Interview with Albert Seeno

Interview with Albert Seeno

At first sight it would not seem, but in America they have constructed an economic empire: they are the Siino, americanized in Seeno, who last
week-end are landed with their private airplane in order to spend a few days to Isola delle Femmine, with other friends, the country of the origins, in order to rediscover the familiar roots and to acquire the old house of the grandfather.

“My grandfather arrived in the United States in 1900 at age 15 and became a builder,” says the pater familias, Albert seeno, “he participated in the reconstruction of San Francisco after the earthquake of 1906″.

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Ha conseguito la laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza con lode presso l'Università degli Studi di Palermo. Ha scritto un romanzo storico, "Societas", edito da BookSprint Edizioni. Scrive sul blog di informazione online "Il giornale di Isola", ha collaborato con "L'ora", con il giornale online "MasterLex", con "IoStudioNews", Tv7 Partinico e Tgs.
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